A Good Hard Look at the Greens?
‘Beneath all the politicking, there is one almighty driver for the Greens. It’s the climate stupid.’ (Paddy Manning, “A Good Hard Look at...
Now appearing at the 2016 Byron Writers Festival . .
Beyond the Limits: A Planet in Crisis has become part of the 2016 Byron Writers Festival. Book and author will be in the Self-Published...
War Against Democracy?
Here we go again. During every election campaign mainstream media perpetuate the myth that we vote for political leaders rather than the...
Beyond the Limits launched in Byron Bay
There was a full house for local author Tom Jagtenberg when he launched his latest hard hitting book Beyond the Limits: A Planet in...
Where to from here?
In recent years the profoundly troubling political and economic dimensions of climate change have encouraged a number of politicians and...