Grim Warning . . .
Carbon pollution to reach ‘point of no return’ within days
After such a front-page headline in the Sydney Morning Herald (11 May, 2016), followed five days later by ‘unfortunate milestone’ reached’ (p.3) - one would hope that climate change will become a major election issue in the forthcoming Australian federal election.
One would hope for some serious policy gestures from all parties.
So if not, why not?
This website contains material that critically analyses social and cultural factors at work in the continued denial of climate change . . . by political parties, by individual voters and by major institutions.
Or are effective solutions really just too hard?
This website is intended to stimulate conversation and analysis of these and related issues.

No matter how hard politicians try to broker agreements about curbing greenhouse gas emissions there are deeper obstacles that would seem to guarantee Planet Earth’s ecological decline.
Beyond the Limits is a hard-hitting and probing analysis of the underlying problems that define the possibilities of any response to the problem of climate change.

This book is a wakeup call - one can only hope that the emerging generation take time to read it and set themselves on a path to Save the Planet
Ian Cohen